Here are ALL our Halloween pictures. They were all so cute that I couldn't just choose a few. I had to post them all! Can you tell that I am the picture taker in our family? Actually, Michael did take a few, but I couldn't post the ones he took of me. They were not cute:)

This is not a Halloween picture, obviously. I took it a few days ago and couldn't leave it out!

Michael brought home pumpkins for us to carve the other day. I took this picture during the 5 seconds that the girls were actually interested.

Oh look! I
do exist! Barely! I look like a ghost. We tried to have Lily take one of us but it didn't work out very well...
All the Pumpkin Pictures were taken a few days ago. Now on to the Halloween pics!
Kaylee was a wingless fairy. By time I was finished with everything else I didn't have time to make her wings:(
Lily was a "fairy like Tinker Bell" (her exact words)
The costume parade. Lily danced all the way through it!
Our cute little pumpkin patch!
And the best part about their costumes? They cost me a total of about
$10 to make! I would have liked to embellish Lily's wings a little but I didn't have the time or the supplies. They weren't the cutest because they were the very first pair I've ever made (except for the ones my dad helped me with in high school. Remember that, Dad?) Anyway, we had so much
fun today that we can't wait until next