Monday, April 25, 2011


 My mom and my sister came to visit last week. As always, I neglected to take pictures. But we had such a fun week until they left and took Andrew with them. Now my house is empty and sad:( But I am super excited that they will be back in June!!!

While my mom and I went out one day, Geri and Andrew stayed home a decorated Easter eggs with the girls. Unfortunately, I left my camera on a weird setting and this is the only picture that turned out. Geri has some great photographic skills:) Look how pretty these eggs are!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

New (old) Tradition

 2 weeks ago we received the most adorable package that I have ever even seen! We always get really excited when a package come in the mail. But we are always especially excited when we see this return address:

Like I said before, the package was incredibly cute. I knew that whatever was inside had to be AWESOME.

And I was right! Look at all this great stuff my Aunt Stacey and Cousin Miriam sent us!
 They sent all the ingredients to make our family's traditional Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter (and coconut!) Eggs. (plus a few extra goodies!)

If I am not mistaken all of these things were purchased at the Amish store that is near their house.

I made the eggs and then the girls dipped them. They weren't pretty but they were soooooo yummy!

Here are some of the prettier ones (if you can call those pretty). My dad makes these easter eggs every year at Easter time. I had never made them before so I was SUPER excited that my aunt and my cousin sent me the ingredients!!! THANK YOU AUNT STACEY AND MIRIAM! We LOVE you!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

and so it begins...

I'm so very excited!:)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

michael thinks this is a weird post, but i don't care

Amazon Dreams Pitcher

Extra Ingredients Measuring Spoons

Milk Bottle Measuring Cups

After reading Esther's post I got stuck browsing Anthropologie for an hour. Someday these lovely things will be a part of my kitchen collection... okay... probably not...  

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Car Trouble

I have been promising Lily that I would teach her how to knit. Tonight she asked if we could go to the store in the morning to find some knitting needles. Michael and I told her that we can't go tomorrow because our car is not working and Kaylee suggested we "just buy a new one". So we asked the girls how much they thought a new car would cost. Kaylee's guess was 5 dollars and Lily's guess was 10. Michael told Lily that a new car would cost more like 10,000 dollars. She let out a shriek and exclaimed, "Oh my goodness! Whatever shall we do??! We don't have that kind of money!!!"

Lily, you have never been more correct;)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011