Thursday, January 24, 2013


These are from a couple of weeks ago...
I took Lily to the Doctor because she had a fever and a sore throat.
She was quite offended when she had her finger pricked.
But it was nothing that a Rapunzel sticker wrapped around it couldn't cure!

Lily had strep. She is allll better and happy and sunshiny and smiling now:)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

at our house

I might get in a lot of trouble for posting this photo. But clearly I don't care.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Live a little, be a gypsy

I was just reminded of a song I loved so much when I was middle-school aged. I love it just as much now as I did back then.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year's Eve and Day

 This is what the last day of 2012 looked like in Rexburg. 

We made Texas Caviar (black eye pea and black bean salsa) and had chips and dip. AND yogurt covered pretzels. Yummmm. My favorite. 
We played Candyland and some other games. It was so fun to break all the rules by staying up wayyyy too late and eating food in the living room!

Kaylee kicked our trash at Candyland!

 You can't tell from this picture but we are "leaping" in to the New Year.  We held hands and stood in a circle and counted down then JUMPED as high as we could. The girls thought it was pretty great.

 Stupid Blogger won't let me write this caption under the photo. But here are the girls and me in our fancy new Christmas jammies from Grandma Howe. 

Next Day:
I was really sad that I didn't take any pictures on New Year's Day but as I was looking through my phone I discovered that one of my kids came through and got these beauties. Here is Lily setting the table for our New Year's feast.
(check out our awesome plate collection! This photo captures every plate that we own minus one which I think is at a friend's house.)

The feast. We stuck with tradition and had Sauerkraut and Pork. This dish was soooooooo delicious! Well, to me and Riley. Michael was hardly able to muster each and every bite. Kaylee and Lily ate the required 5 bites but have been uninterested in very many varieties of food lately. and I SWORE I wouldn't have picky children. They'll grow out of it. 
Recipe here:
If you like sauerkraut you will LOVE this recipe. If you're not a fan of it then you'll be sorely disappointed. I added dumplings and let them cook during the last 15 minutes. Yummm!

Toward the end of December I started thinking about what my New Year's goals would be. Here is what I came up with:
  • BLOG MORE! At least once a week.
  • Blog about projects I've made- I am really bad at this. I am constantly working on something but I never post projects on my blog.
  • Read a book a month- before I had kids I read ALL the time. I think I can handle a book a month. I intend to finally finish reading Les Miserables this year. I think I'll give myself 2 or 3 months for that one.
  • Do one sewing project a month- this goal will be much easier to meet when we move into our new house and I FINALLY have a craft room!!! woo-hoo! (more on our new house later!)
I also have more than a few personal goals that I won't be sharing on the blog. I set mini-goals for myself all the time so it's not really a "New Year" thing. I have also given Michael some challenges to work on. I am excited to see what this year will bring to our family!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

i think maybe I'll start blogging again...

This is the conversation I heard (and saw) as I entered the bathroom to "help"Riley wipe her bum.

Mallory: yaa bla baba.

Riley: Really?? Tell me another story!

Mallory: la la ba ba la dada.

Riley: Another story!

Mallory: ya ya ya bla mama da.

They had been sitting like this and "talking" for a few minutes before I came in.

PS. See Riley's feet? This is how she always sits on the potty while she patiently waits for me to help her finish. I love it.