Tuesday, July 30, 2013

There was a wedding...

 Happiest couple

 Kaylee says, "I like this picture, but when it happened in real life it was disgusting."
and look at Rachel's cute minty shoes underneath the lace on her dress.

Cutest best friend cousins. Camilla and Emma.

 My Dad with his parents, brother, and one of his sisters. 
From left to right: Uncle Bob, Aunt Nancy, Grandma Howe (she's just the cutest), Uncle Dan, Grandpa Howe, and my precious Dad.

Rachel with her dad.

Zach and Rachel got married on Friday, July 26. My grandpa Varge Christensen is a sealer in the temple and had the honor of sealing Zach and Rachel together for time and all eternity. It was such a special day! The girls are so excited to have Rachel for an aunt and I'm so happy that she's officially my sister! Our family is SO happy to have a special new member. She is precious to us. 
Time spent with family is always wonderful. We had the privilege of being with grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins that we don't get to see very often. The weekend was far too short but LUCKY us, we get to do it all again for my cousin Melysa's wedding this weekend! I adore my family and am so happy and thankful for every opportunity that we have to gather and be together. It's more fun than ever now that some of us are married and we have new brothers and sisters (and precious children!) mixed in the bunch. Families are such a blessing. I'm so grateful for mine.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Zach and Rachel are getting married!

This is my dear brother. His name is Zachary. And he is marrying Rachel on Friday! THIS Friday! I am soooo excited to have this girl as my brand spankin' new sister. Here are some pictures I took of them. I sure adore these two!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

black and white (film, of course!)

I wasn't going to blog today but my house is hot and my feet are hotter so I decided to throw my body on my bed and prop my feet in front of the fan. They feel glorious. I may as well have a/c!

My sweet friend Lizzy asked me to take a few pictures of her family in front of the temple. Here are my favorites:

and when I was done with that mini session I decided to use up a good portion of my roll photographing my cute kids.

I use an old minolta and I love it. I really love it. But I really struggle with the focus on it. As out of focus as this photo is, I adore it. This, right here, is the reason I breathe. Look at those faces. I was meant to be their mother and I am grateful every minute of every day.

 my whole entire world.

 Lily is such a model-girl.

 I love that scruffy face.

 Some perfect princess curtsies.

And a perfect princess face.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday Three

Kaylee's gum that absolutely had to be photographed and documented.

A few days after I sent Michael's drill through my finger. He makes using that thing look so simple. When I use it I end up cleaning flesh out of drill bits and off walls. Seriously, I did.

Fun with some favorite friends.

***I have a million random pictures on my phone. I don't know what to do with them. So I am starting Thursday Three. Do it with me!!!***

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Aftermath of a Swim Day

These are all from our Rexburg Rapids day a few weeks ago. 
This is what happens to children after way too much fun.

At first I thought she was looking at me. Freeeeeaky!