Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Why is it that its almost 7:30, and each of my childrem are sound asleep? And not for the night, mind you. Do you know what this means? It means I'll be up until midnight... at least. I don't know why I let this happen. Now I have to decide whether to wake them and deal with the crankiness or let them sleep and enjoy the peace and quiet. I think I'll choose the latter:)


  1. I remember that conundrum all too well! I hope it wasn't too late of a night.
    Dropped by from SITS. Adorable kids:)

  2. They don't get any sweeter than this. How adorable.

  3. ps, your headbands are precious. Do you make them for big girls too?

  4. Oh Summer sleeping schedules are so messed up around my house too! Too much fun perhaps!

  5. Dont you LOVE how they can just CRASH like that?! Oh how I wish I could sleep so soundly anywhere! =) And I agree... peace and quiet over crankieness anytime! Thank for stopping by my blog and participating in my giveaway! Good Luck! btw...Your kids are adorable!

  6. That latter is the sweet choice :) You're a good mom!

    They are so darling.

