Wednesday, September 7, 2011

shower gifts

Since Geri had her shower on Saturday I can FINALLY blog about the things I made her! I was soooo sad I couldn't be with her but I was really happy that I finished her gifts in time for them to make it to her shower. I was there in spirit:)

 This is the first crocheted blanket I've ever actually completed. (I think! Sometimes I forget about things I've made...) Pattern from this book. I LOVED making this afghan! I messed up though! See that ruffled edge? Not supposed to be ruffled. I'm not entirely sure what happened but it might be prettier now than it would have been if I had followed the directions!



This quilt was my first experience with free-motion quilting. I think I may be in love. 
Tutorial here (thanks for introducing me, Heather!!) This is a fantastic quilting project for a beginner!

I am so so so so so so soooooooo so so EXCITED for my tiny baby niece to be here! I can't believe her due date is only a week away. I also can't believe that I won't get to hold her until she is 2 months old:( We're are going to be best skype buddies though. I hope her mommy doesn't mind a never-ending web-cam session!


  1. Katie I am obsessed with that afghan. Maybe because it is purple, or maybe because it is just plain beautiful. You are so talented. If you want to start working on one for me next you can haha. im sure i will be having a baby soon.

  2. I love my baby blankets SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!! Thank you! You are the best sister EVER! And OF COURSE I don't mind a never-ending webcam session! I can't wait!

  3. Love it. Thanks for the tutorial link too- I'm now thinking of doing this quilt with the materials I already have for the crib quilt. I need an easy one heaven knows!

  4. Ummm, I need the afghan in green and that purple. You should seriously sell stuff. Or give lessons. Or both. Seriously.
