Friday, February 20, 2009

More Riley Pics

Here are some more pictures from last week. The first 5 are out of order and I can NOT tell you how much I hate that the date is on the rest of the pictures. Especially since its 11/5/2049. How annoying. I keep telling my mom to get the date off her display. oh well. The date was February 12, 2009:)

Miriam, me, and Rachel

My beautiful sister and me

Me and my sexy husband with our gorgeous daughter:)

Ready to go home!

Michael filling out the paper work that we couldn't do when we came in.

On our way out of the delivery room and into our "suite". I took a shower and just about passed out right before this picture was taken. So I am looking a little pale:)

Daddy, mommy, and baby

Great-Grandpa Christensen seeing Riley for the first time.

Our new family:)

My sister Emma and Riley

Grandpa and Lily

My grandpa and Riley

Lily. She was pretending to be a lion.

Emma with Riley and Kaylee with her baby:)

Riley in her bath tub

Lily thought she needed a bath in Riley's tub too. I think I have a picture just like this from when Kaylee was born.

My girls:) I had to put two pictures up. Do you think it is possible for me to get a good pic with both of them looking at the camera? never:)

Jan sent us some pretty tulips:)

My dad holding Riley for the first time.

My newest precious baby girl

Kaylee and Riley. Kaylee loves Riley so much. She loves to hold her and thinks that she's her baby!

Lily loves Riley too. She only asks to hold her about every 5 seconds!
I can't get over how much I love my baby girl! It is amazing how you love each one of your children so incredibly much! She is only a week old but I can't imagine my life without her. She is SUCH a good baby. I've never been able to say that:) She only cries when she wants to eat and she sleeps all night unless I'm feeding her. Best of all she does NOT spit up! It seemed like my other girls spit up more than they ate about 5 times every time they ate. So this is fantastic for me!!! I love them all so much and they amaze me every day!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Lily has been begging to go "sliding" for the last few days. We have been telling her that we had to wait until after Sunday, so today we got out their snow suits and bundled them up. It was SO much fun!! The girls loved it. In fact they loved it so much that Lily declined the chance to go potty and ended up peeing her pants. That ended our day:) But we will definitely go again soon.

And sorry, no pictures of Riley. I will put some more up tomorrow, I am waiting for my dad to get here with the cord for my mom's camera. Riley is the best ever. I am totally and completely in love with her and I can't believe she is mine! I am such a lucky mommy!

Ready to go in their snowsuits!

Our family minus Riley:( She slept in the car while we all had fun!

My mom. You really need to click on this to see the bigger picture. Her face is priceless.

Michael right after he slipped and fell on his booty!

Click on this one too! You can tell by the looks on their faces that they are loving every minute!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Riley Elizabeth

Okay, these pictures are backwards again. Oh well. Riley Elizabeth Floyd was born on February 12, 2009 at 6:13am. She weighed 7lbs 30z and was 18.5 inches long.

WOW. What a crazy experience that was. It was NOTHING like being in labor with my first two! Except that I missed out on an epidural again! I woke up at around 5 am because I was having cramps, but not the contractions that I've had with my other labors. I thought about timing them but decided to go back to sleep. Just then I had a real contraction and my water broke! Luckily the baby's head acted like a cork and only a tiny bit of water came out. I am SO glad that I didn't get water all over my bed! Anyway, after that I got regular, very painful contractions. I wanted that epidural! But I knew while we were driving to the hospital that it wasn't going to happen. I could tell that I was going to have to start pushing soon. Michael dropped me off and I told the receptionist that I needed to go straight up and I couldn't wait for anything because the baby was coming soon! After a looong wheelchair ride they got me into an exam room and gave me a gown. I am glad that Michael got in there so quick because I was having to push and he had to finish taking my clothes off! They checked me and told me that I was ready (which I knew, thanks very much:) They brought me to the labor and delivery room but told me to wait to push until the doctor got there. It was so hard! He was there in just a few minutes and Riley was out in two big pushes. They set her on my belly and I was in total shock! I could not believe that I had been asleep just over an hour ago! I was afraid I was dreaming and that I would wake up and have to do it all over again. It all happened so extremely fast, I was amazed. and grateful:)

SO. My water broke at 5:15am. We got to the hospital at about 5:50am. Riley was born at 6:13am. I feel so super lucky to have had such a fast labor. And it was NOT as painful as being in labor with Kaylee was! I would brace myself for each contraction and it would hurt really bad but when it was over I would think "Oh. That wasn't that bad..." But it was definitely bad enough to want an epidural!
I remember thinking that the only good thing about Lily being a c-section was when they gave me the shot to stop my contractions. It felt wonderful!
In the end it is always worth every little pain that being in labor brings! I have three beautiful girls and I am the luckiest girl in the world! I am so grateful for my children and the joy they bring to my life. I am so fortunate that they are healthy and happy and MINE!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Labor? . . . not really.

Things have been a little crazy, but not very:) Michael is now in Idaho with me, I am SOOO happy. I feel so much better having him here. Now I don't have to worry about going into labor and being alone and having him miss the baby's birth! Actually, the reason he is here is because I THOUGHT I was in labor a few nights ago! I had contractions all night and I am talking intense and 5 minutes apart. I was SURE I was in labor because it was exactly what happened when I went into labor with both Lily and Kaylee. I didn't go to the hospital because I was waiting for it to start hurting. Anyway, I had these contractions (regular and intense) for 6 hours before I finally called Michael to tell him to come home. Of course, an hour after he left, they went away! I felt dumb because I feel like I should know when my body is in labor! Especially after having two kids! Frustrating! Oh, well. At least he is here and I am so grateful! He was supposed to bring me some See's Candy, but since he left so early in the morning there were no shops open. Instead he came with a beautiful bouquet of roses:) SO sweet, I LOVE my husband!

I had a doctor appointment today, I am still only at 1 cm BUT the doctor did say the baby's head has moved down! Only a week until my due date! I am reeeaaallly hoping the baby is not born on Friday the 13th! Freaky!

Here are some pictures of our week so far. They are backwards. How annoying!

The girls enjoying the egg beaters from daddy's cake.

Michael wanted cake the other night and decided to make one. He did it all by himself, I was very impressed:)

Trying on Lily's big girl undies!