Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 2 {words}

These are Lily's "sight words"
They are words that she is supposed to recognize without any hesitation.
and she knows them all.

I had Lily's parent/teacher conference today. My second one ever! I can't believe I'm a big enough girl to be doing such grown-up things!! 

Can I boast for a sec? 
Of course I can. This is my blog!

Lily is doing really well in school. Her teacher, Mrs. Rudd, told me that Lily is a very bright little girl and a joy to have in class. She talked a lot about how well-behaved she is. Mrs. Rudd said that Lily always minds, she never talks too loud or out of turn. She said that she is very friendly toward the children and she treats them all very kindly. She told me that Lily is especially nice and a wonderful friend to a little handicapped girl in her class. Lily loves this little girl (she talks to me about her all the time). She plays with her and helps her and pays a lot of attention to her. This little girl is very aware and very grateful to Lily for being such a good friend. Mrs. Rudd seemed very impressed with what a "sweetheart" she is.

It makes me such a happy mommy to hear that Lily treats others so well and that she is such a good friend to the little girl in her class. It is of great importance to Michael and myself that our kids learn compassion and that they treat one another and other children kindly. I am so grateful that Lily is such a good and caring little girl! I'm so blessed to be her mama.


  1. What a sweet little girl. It doesn't surprise me one bit that her teacher had all those nice things to say about her. Lily is a special girl who has special parents raising her.

  2. Oh Katie, you ARE so blessed. I am such a boob! but this totally made me cry. HA! (in a good way) little children really are the best examples. Christ told us to be like them. It is NO wonder why. I love you and your sweet, sweet family.
